Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Michael Jackson Thriller Part I

Alright, this post is very special to me as it involves the man I respect and adore since I was very little up until now. May I present to you:

Hot Toys / M-Icon Michael Jackson Thriller Version

Rest in peace Michael.. Stay tuned for details n review in part II of this figure


  1. Cool figure (s)!!! How much was this in the UK btw?

  2. Oh U've mistaken me of my gf, she's in U.K. But i bought it online through ebay cost around 200USD. Thanks for visitng :D

  3. Wao!! your pictures are blur. What camera you use?

  4. deSMond, sorry for the pic quality, I'm using a 2mp handphone camera, hahah maybe next mth i'l invest on a decent digital camera :)

  5. oh my so awesome figures realistic

  6. yeah, moemoekyun. if i use good camera, it'l be more realistic :) thanks for visiting

  7. i totally concur,your already investing in these expensive figures,you might as well invest in a decent digital camera. It'll look cooler with better images.

  8. good news! i already bought a second hand camera :D it'll arrive next month! i'll be able to take better pics at least :)
