Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Nintendo 3DS


XD As stated above. This might be old news...but I'll share it anyway :P

it so freakin' awesome xD Really cant wait.. I think its out before April 2011...But that was stated in wikipedia...it didnt say anything in E3 website though... click if you're interested.

What i cant wait is the new Nintendogs + Cats!!!!! XD

Cats!! finally they're showings cats!! and the cutest thing is that, the animal will lick you if you get closer to the screen. Awwwww! isnt that cute?? XD

LOOK! ..3-D...*sakai moment* @-@ hehehe

================== copyright E3 ==============

-Nintendogs uses the built-in camera and facial-recognition technology to enable puppies to react to your real-life movements, mimicking your head tilts and jumping up to lick you as you lean in. (KYA! XD)

-The 3-D visuals and the deep interaction offered by the touch screen, microphone and camera of the Nintendo 3DS system make for a deeper emotional connection to your puppies, giving players even greater joy from an already heartwarming experience.

-Everything that made the original Nintendogs great also returns, with multiple breeds to choose from, accessories for your puppies to wear and the ability to let your puppy train and compete in different challenges and activities.

-The game will also introduce cats to the series for the first time.


Ya :D of course, there are other games such as Kid Icarus (Uprising), Metal Gear Solid 3D, Resident Evil... But no no, im waiting for this ;) and also Mario Kart!! ( I love mario kart.... *flails*)

Well, that's about it. I'm glad i didnt buy DSi XL *fuh! :P Im so waiting for this baby to come out! XD I wonder if they're gona make a 3-D Professor Layton.. O-O;;; that would look so weird... haha

tata :D