Monday, March 29, 2010

Nyamo [☆ Lucky star ☆ ] Amigurumi

Hiiii. Its me. K's :D easter holidays just started...this means, more time for me to make plushies! yay! XD I just finish this today. I just had to show it! hehe!

It's Nyamo from Lucky star :D *as the title stated*. XD I wanted to make this like agesss ago. Finally its done. *fuh, wipe sweat* haha. I DO..actually watch the anime. Only 8 episodes though. haha. How can i say...the anime is TOO RANDOM :P hahaha its cute though. XD so ya :D

hehe! nyamo and her/his/its basket! XD
Cuuuute right? XD i also love it! *pat nyamo*

-reference- from deviantart..(actually google image:P i found)

and now... the usual :P








*fuh fuh.* tired tired...
:D !!!
yatta... (^w^)


ya i know. This story is so lame. I cant think of anything okay. LOL. XD oh well :D at least its cute :P :P :P XD hehehe i actually showed it to my sister. (again haha) she said the ears are too big :'( I KNOW. When i realised it, it was too late, coz i already sew one of the ears....nyeh. who cares.

.....The humongous ears..... T-T

that's all! tata :D xD

p/s: Kira!!! blog!!!